Tuition Fees
1 hr.
1 ½hr.
2 hr.
2 ½ hr.
3 hr.
3 ½hr.
4 hr.
4 ½hr.
5 hr.
5 ½ hr.
6 hr.
6 ½ hr.
7 hr. or more
Bushido/Karate (monthly)
$25.00 White Belts
$35.00 Advanced
Dance Etiquette
- No candy or gum chewing during classes.
- Have your name on all shoes, bags and personal belongings.
- Be on time for classes and change into dance clothes and shoes before classes begin.
- Keep hair pulled away from face and off the neck.
- Be kind and courteous to your teachers and fellow dancers.
- Pay attention to your teachers and assistants.
- Please do not put your feet on the walls, climb or hang from the ballet bars.
- Roughhousing on the gymnastics mats is strictly prohibited.
- Help keep the dance studio, lobby, and restrooms clean.
- Please return toys and books to the boxes and shelveS
- Be responsible for your trash and spills.
- Small children should be supervised at all times. No rough play!!
- Please keep children from playing around the clothing in the Boutique area.
- Please keep small children away from the glass on the viewing cases.
Watch Night
One lesson of each month will be designated for parents and or other students. This does not mean that the students may break the dress code. They may only do that for special occasions. They will be announced ahead of time in the newsletters.
- Classes in Studio A will have a night watch on the 2nd lesson of each month.
- Classes in Studio B will have a night watch on the 3rd lesson of each month.
- Classes in Studio C will have a night watch on the 4th lesson of each month.
- The Watch Night routine may vary, as we get closer to Recital Time.
Inclement Weather and Illness
- If the Studio closes due to inclement weather you may attend another class as a “make-up” within one month of the missed class. Your teacher or office staff can provide a Make –up slip with a recommendation for an appropriate level class for you to attend as your makeup. When arriving at the make up class please give your makeup slip to your teacher. No discounts will be given for students missing days. Closings will be determined by road conditions. Please call the studio 2 hours before class time regarding class cancellation.
These highly structured classes are for the dedicated students only. A commitment is required from students and parents. Open auditions (3 through 18) are held every spring. The rules and regulations are available upon request.
My door is always open. If you have concerns or thoughts please talk to my staff or myself and I will arrange time to speak with you. We are here to help your children discover their abilities and watch their talents blossom. Together we can make this year and every year a memorable one for both you and you child.
Tuition is due by the first class of the month. Tuition must be paid by the 10th of the month. Tuition paid on the 11th of the month will automatically be charged a $10.00 late fee. Please note tuition remains the same whether it is a 3 or 5-week month regardless of absences. If a student misses the 1st class of the month, tuition should be mailed in or dropped by the studio. If financial difficulty occurs, please talk to the studio director to make payment arrangements. We are willing to work with everyone so that your child may have a great experience. All payments of any nature to the studio whether for tuition, competition fees, registration, or costumes are all non-refundable.
Family Discount Program
This is a great family value. Families with 2 or more students may deduct 15% from their TOTAL tuition. This does not apply to the Bushdio/Karate classes or mixed martial art! Dance/Gymnastics classes only.
NOTE: All rates are for one individual student. No prorating of tuition except for new students and first month only